Oprah Winfrey Discloses About Her Half-Sister Patricia

25th January 2011

January 25, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Oprah Winfrey, one of the richest women in the world, still remains a mystery lady for many for her personal relationships and family background. In fact, the 56-year old billionaire woman is also surprised when recently she discovered that she has a half sister named Patricia.

This happened in November before the Thanksgiving Day when Oprah came to know about this half-sister of her. She knew that media will soon dig out the news, so she preferred to disclose it herself on her Oprah Winfrey show, which is in its final season now. Oprah continues to give surprises to her viewers through this show in the final season. She announced this great secret of her life on the Monday morning episode.

Oprah has always remained under media scanner for her private life and this news will keep her in the headlines for few more days. The dark secret of her family has hit her strong and Oprah said that she was shocked to hear the news. Her mother gave birth to Patricia and in 1963, she gave her for adoption. At that time, Oprah was living with her father, so she had no idea about it.

However, Oprah is thankful to her sister for not disclosing the news to media first. She said that its true because their DNA matched and her mother also admitted it. Oprah said that she would not have bothered about media if the news was false but its true, so she chose it announce it herself. Patricia is a con artist, who started searching for her biological mother and discovered her relation with Oprah in 2007.

--Sampurn Wire
