Orlando Bloom: Parenthood is sexy

24th December 2011

(Cover) - EN Music - Orlando Bloom is attracted to Miranda Kerr even more since they have become parents.

Talking about how they keep the spark alive in their marriage now that baby Flynn is demanding their attention, the actor says starting a family doesn't mean their attraction to each other has lessened.

Orlando and Miranda got married last July and announced her pregnancy shortly after.

"Attraction doesn't stop when a child is born. It's the opposite! Being a mum and dad makes you even sexier," the star told German magazine Gala.

He also described how becoming a father has changed his life.

While fatherhood is not always easy, Orlando is enjoying the experience immensely.

"It's the most challenging part of my life! And I feel blessed. Flynn totally turned my world upside down," Orlando said. "Everything I considered important suddenly faded from the spotlight. Now my favourite pastime is to take a bath with my son."

Having a family has also changed the British hunk's perspective on fame.

Orlando said that dealing with the paparazzi has become more difficult now he has a wife and son to look after.

"It's harder on some days than on others. It's [difficult] if ten cars with cameras are following you. My first priority is trying to protect my family,"he said. (C) Cover Media

Tags: Orlando Bloom,