Piers Morgan Gets Booed On His Show By Shock Jock!

20th January 2011

January 20, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): This Tuesdays 'Piers Morgan Tonight' must have gone down amazingly well with whoever watched the show as everything that Morgan asked was twisted and given back to him, by none other than the shows guest Howard Stern, the shock jock!

The show shot off with Howard trying to put Piers in a spot constantly. Howard reminded Piers that he was not the best journalist on earth at all and no one cared if he has worked as a jouno for more than two decades! Howard had all but taken the opportunity to poke Piers the wrong way!

And the war of who is the best did not end here! Howard ended up claiming that David Lettermans show was a zillion times better than Jay Lenos show! Add to that he joked that only those who cannot do anything else in bed, watch Jay on his show!

And speaking of the bed, Piers was again poked in the right corner when Howard said his own penis was larger than Piers!

But towards the end, Howard also confessed that he was doing his own radio show because his ego did not let him stop. Howard shared that though he always felt he had to do it in his heart he did not want to do it.

Are you a fan of Howard? Do you agree with him on this and would want him to retire?

--Sampurn Wire
