Priyanka talks about girl power

3rd September 2011

Priyanka Chopra, a small-town-girl herself, made India proud when she was crowned ‘Miss World’ some years back. Today, the dusky beauty is an epitome of success and dignity for many Indian women and girls who look up to her for inspiration.

The woman of substance that she is, Priyanka recently did a good deed when she became the face of UNICEF’s unique campaign that works towards the empowerment of females in the country under Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RSEAG) plan. She met several girls in a small town near Jaipur, Rajasthan, where she encouraged them to stand up on their own feet and become independent in life.

She believes that the cause of a girl child is really close to her heart and she is all game for the campaigns which helps empowering the fairer sex in India. She even stated that the women power should not and cannot be underestimated by any means.   

Tags: Priyanka Chopra,