Rihanna: I hate being single

2nd March 2012

Rihanna thinks single life is "overrated."

The sultry 24-year-old songstress split from singer Chris Brown three years ago after he physically attacked her and was subsequently charged with felony battery.

The pair have caused controversy of late as it is rumoured that Rihanna rekindled her romance with Chris after exchanging messages on Twitter and even reportedly spending Valentine's Day together.

Rihanna confirms that she is still a bachelorette and admits that she absolutely despises life without romance.

"Yes I am a single lady. This is not something I enjoy," Rihanna said on British late night TV talk programme The Jonathan Ross show. "Single life is so overrated."

Rihanna commiserates with singletons and their desire for personal freedom. Despite this acknowledgment, the star admits that she prefers being off the market.

"You always want to be single when you are in a relationship but trust me it is no bueno (good)," she explained. "I have such incredible experiences in my life, but you don't want to live your life and then meet someone, you want to share your life with someone. I feel like that is what I am missing right now."

Although Rihanna believes that many men are intimidated by her, she hopes that one day she will find the perfect mate.

"Yeah [lots of guys feel threatened by me], but in that case they are probably not the right one cause I can't do that," Rihanna explained. "I would love to find someone cool, fun, funny."

Last month Rihanna and Chris simultaneously released remixes of tracks featuring each other.

It is rumoured that Rihanna's friends and advisors are warning her to stay away from Chris for the sake of her career.

Rihanna's full interview will air on the Jonathan Ross Show in the UK on Saturday March 3.

Tags: Rihanna,