Robert Pattinson Refuses To Sing For Simon Cowells SyCo

27th October 2010

Robert Pattinson has apparently refused to sing for Simon Cowells music label, SyCo. The reason given by Pattinson is definitely weird too. Robert Pattinson feels that the people may not like his music. He explained that the image that listeners attribute to SyCo is nothing like him and he is apprehensive of fitting in.

The image that normally goes with Cowells label is that of a manufactured pop artist which Pattinson certainly isnt. He plays both the piano and the guitar and is known to compose and write his own music. However, the curious factor that has piqued his fans is that he thinks they would not like the Pattinson brand of music.

The star of the Twilight does not seem to have much confidence on his own musical abilities. In fact, he is of the opinion that his talent will be appreciated only after his demise. However, there are songs of Pattinson featured in the CD of Twilight.

Robert Pattinson does have a significant number of fans despite his range of music not being publicized overtly. Hopefully now he will begin to release the music in order to reach out to a wider audience. But it is perfectly understandable even if he doesnt take advantage of his recently acquired celebrity status. Being the passionate musician that he is, he might just shudder at the thought of commercializing and manufacturing his brand of music.



Tags: Robert Pattinson,