Salma Hayek performed piata' stunt

26th November 2011

Salma Hayek felt like a "piata" while filming a dangerous stunt.

The 45-year-old actress and co-star Antonio Banderas lend their voices to the leading characters in their newest animation movie Puss in Boots.

The pair have worked together previously on 1995 action thriller film Desperado in which they both performed adrenaline fuelled stunts.

Antonio recalled one of the thrilling scenes.

"I remember a scene in Desperado when we were hanging in a crane in Mexico, 30 metres from the ground, attached to some kind of harness we were bouncing from one side to another, and everything was making noises," Antonio told Cover Media in a joint interview. "We were like, Oh my God, something's going to crash and we're going to die here!' and [Salma] was screaming, I am not a piata!'"

Salma was equally panicked by the scenario. The stunning star says the strenuous scenes are often quite draining.

"Hanging from the crane was scary with a man holding it by hand!" Salma gushed.

"It's stressful working on those sets."

Antonio was impressed with Salma's performance that day.

"You did very well baby," he declared to his cast mate.

Puss in Boots is released in the UK on December 9.

Tags: Salma Hayek, Desperado,