Samuel L. Jackson harsh in promo

28th September 2012

Samuel L. Jackson has made an expletive-laden promo ahead of the US election.

The tough guy actor warns US citizens to "wake the f*** up" and vote for President Barack Obama in November's election in the video.

The Pulp Fiction star gives a stern warning to two exhausted parents who don't pay attention to their child who suggests they support Obama.

Dressed in his trademark beret, Samuel admonishes the parents in a series of rhyming couplets.

"Sorry my friend, but there's no time to snore/ An out-of-touch millionaire's just declared war," Samuel declared. "On schools, the environment, unions, fair pay/ We're all on our own if Romney has his way/And he's against safety nets; if you fall, tough luck/ So I strongly suggest that you wake the f**k up."

The video continues with Samuel turning his foul mouthed tirade to other members of the family who aren't pro-Obama. The outspoken star tells two older Facebook-obsessed children in the family to pay attention.

"Listen to your little sister, wake the f**k up!" Samuel screamed.

Samuel joins a whole host of other Hollywood stars, including actress Eva Longoria, who have shown strong support for the president. Obama is battling to defeat Republican Mitt Romney in the November 6 presidential vote.

Tags: Samuel L. Jackson,