Scarlett Johansson: I do the thigh hold

20th April 2012

Scarlett Johansson's favourite fight move is the "thigh-master hold".

The actress plays Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow in the new superhero movie Avengers Assemble. Black Widow is a spy but is also a master fighting machine and Scarlett took part in many stunts for the new release.

When quizzed about the best fight move she had to perform, the star had trouble remembering its name.

"My favourite fight move, Natasha's favourite fight move, is probably the thigh grip? What do you call it? The master thigh hold? The thigh-master hold!" she laughed to Cover Media.

Jeremy Renner is Clint Barton/Hawkeye in the film, whose skillset is much like Black Widow's. He was quick to recall his best move.

"That's mine too," he deadpanned to Scarlett.

In one scene in the movie The Hulk is seen flinging Loki portrayed by Tom Hiddleston around. When Thor star Chris Hemsworth joked it is his favourite part of the picture, Tom admitted he has a soft spot for it too.

"It is [mine too] actually," he laughed. "Partly because some strange small person called Tom had to do most of that himself. Hurling myself into the air and throwing myself to the floor repeatedly - I must have looked like a lunatic. Which kind of describes Loki quite aptly as well."

Avengers Assemble follows the group of superheroes as they try to save the earth from an invasion.

The movie is released in the UK on April 26.

Tags: Scarlett Johansson,