Sean Kingston crash report leaked'

22nd September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Sean Kingston's jet ski crash was so bad his head left an imprint in cement when he struck it.

The singer spent time in intensive care after the incident in May. The jet ski he and a woman were on hit a bridge and Sean suffered a broken jaw, fractured wrist and water on the lungs. He had multiple operations while at the medical centre and has previously described his condition as "life or death".

Police have investigated what happened and website TMZ claim to have seen the official documentation. It details just how serious the accident was.

"The three-month police investigation reveals just how close Kingston was to dying. According to the report, Kingston crashed into the bridge with such force, his head, arms and upper chest, left an imprint in on the cement," reports the site.

According to TMZ, police believe the incident wouldn't have happened if Sean had been properly trained in safety procedures.

Officials apparently allege Sean lost control because he did not use the jet ski properly. He reportedly tried to turn a corner while also using the throttle, which resulted in him losing control and crashing.

The report is said to cite the 21-year-old's "inexperience and inattention" as the reason behind the crash.

Sean has been fined $180" for "careless operation in an accident", the site claims.

The incident had a profound effect on Sean. He lost 45lbs. and has vowed to continue dieting, and it's also impacted his music.

"Basically, I learned that in life anything can happen and you have to count your blessings and worship God, and believe in God," he said. "And know that anything can happen, so you have to be cautious about what you do." (C) Cover Media
