Shootings, shows cancelled on 23rd February

17th February 2012

Screening of movies in cinema halls and shooting of films in studios and outdoor locations will come to a halt on 23rd February, as the Tamil film industry has offered its support to a nationwide strike, opposing the service tax proposed by the Central government.

The Tamil Film Producers Council, Distributors Association, Directors Association and South Indian Film Artists Association have offered their unanimous support to the strike call given by all Indian bodies.

In a joint statement issued to the media, industry bodies condemned the service tax imposed by the Union government. An all-India strike will be held on 23rd February to condemn this service tax and hence there will be no film screening throughout the country, the press note said.

The release said the film industry was already under severe pressure due to issues like piracy and screening of films on satellite channels without proper permission. In addition to this, the imposition of more such taxes will make the situation worse, it added.
