Sienna Miller: Williamson makes magical outfits

18th October 2010

(Cover) - EN Star Style - Sienna Miller says clothes made by Matthew Williamson are magical and mood-enhancing.

The 28-year-old actress is one of top British designer Matthews favourite muses, as well as being his best friend.

Sienna loves wearing Matthews creations because they make her feel instantly happier, and she even feels they have a mythical quality.

His clothes are more than garments. They are magical, mood-enhancing creations and that is an absolute testament to the man designing them, she gushed in British newspaper The Times.

The blonde beauty first became aware of Matthew when she saw Sir Mick Jaggers daughter Jade wearing one of his creations in a magazine. Sienna was an instant fan, so was thrilled when Matthew asked a mutual friend to introduce them because he had been admiring her beauty from afar.

It was very serendipitous, our meeting. He had seen some photo of me at a party and tracked me down to come and have tea with him.

I dont think he realised how in awe I was of him, but it was love at first sight and weve never looked back, she enthused.

Sienna thinks Matthews collections are so successful because he understands how to flatter a womans body. The film star says Matthews appreciation of the opposite sex is what makes him such a great designer.

Women love wearing Matthews clothes, ultimately because Matthew loves women, she added. (C) Cover Media
