Simon Pegg: I was always destined to act

18th October 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Simon Pegg wanted to write a book of his memoirs because his professional success is rooted in his childhood.

The British actor has written Nerd Do Well, an autobiography of his life, and believes that it sheds light on the reason for his talents and who he is as a person.

However the 40-year-old is modest about the tome and admitted feeling uncomfortable about releasing it because he doesnt believe in giving up personal privacy for the entertainment of others.

I tried to tie the book into a professional thing because... I always think why does anyone care really about your life, when I open up magazines and see people letting me into their home I always think, Why are you doing it? Thats your home, keep it, and then I carry on reading and think, Ooh thats a nice fireplace, he joked to BBC Breakfast. But its kind of connected to professional germs as in seeds where things happened when I was a kid that eventually went through to adulthood like I was doing little stand up routines when I was six and seven.

Simon grew up in the leafy British city of Gloucestershire and puts his success down to his parents.

His mother joined an amateur dramatics society when she was pregnant with the Run, Fatboy, Run star and Simon said his fate was written in the stars from that moment.

I grew up around theatrical people, my dad was a musician and it was inevitable that I would be interested in performance but it all started there in a little am dram room, he said. (C) Cover Media
