Sinead O'Connor splits from husband

27th December 2011

Sinead O'Connor has split from her husband after 16 days of marriage.

The Irish singer wed Barry Herridge in Las Vegas on December 8. She has now confirmed they are no longer together, choosing to make the announcement via her official website.

"From the moment myself and my husband got together not long ago, there was intense pressure placed upon him by certain people in his life, not to be involved with me," she wrote.

"Within 3 hours of the ceremony being over the marriage was kyboshed by the behaviour of certain people in my husband's life. And also by a bit of a wild ride i took us on looking for a bit of a smoke of weed for me wedding night as I don't drink. My husband was enormously wounded and very badly effected by that experience and also by the attitude of those close to him toward our marriage. It became apparent to me that if he were to stay with me he would be losing too much to bear. And that being with me was not going to serve him positively , career wise or any other wise. I saw his life leave him because of how people close to him reacted. And I can't take anyone's life. And a woman wants to be a joy to her husband. So.. U love someone? Set them free (sic)."

Sinead went on to praise her husband and explained she decided to end the marriage as she knew he was unhappy.

She added the pair split on Christmas Eve and she is now planning to move on with her life. The star has asked for people to respect Barry's privacy at this difficult time.

"He is a wonderful man. I love him very much. I'm sorry I'm not a more regular woman. I truly believe though it is painful to admit, we made a mistake rushing into getting married, for altruistic reasons, and weren't aware or prepared for the consequences on my husband's life and the lives of those close to him. He has been terribly unhappy and I have therefore ended the marriage. I think he is too nice to do so. And too nice to trap," she wrote.

"The marriage was 16 days. We lived together for 7 days only.. Until Xmas eve. And we haven't been awful to each other. So while I feel sad for my husband, and sad to be the cause of sorrow to yet another poor man, I'm also happy that I know we weren't horrible to each other and he is better off free."

Sinead and Barry married on the star's 45th birthday and he was her fourth husband.
