Singeetham Srinivas Rao's hunch

1st August 2011
A felicitation programme was recently held for director Singeetham Srinivas Rao, the director of Shivanna's first film, 'Anand'. The veteran director took all those present down memory lane, recalling how nervous he was, after he was chosen to direct the launch vehicle of Rajkumar's eldest son. "I worked with fear lurking within. I wanted Dr. Rajkumar's son to make it big."

"When shooting began, I began to sense that this boy would do wonders in the future. And now, looking at how far he has come, I feel that my hunch has been proven right", Singeetham said, much to the delight of Shivanna's fan.

The veteran director had come down to Bangalore with his wife to take part in the celebrations and be felicitated as well.