Sofia Vergara reveals son confusion

11th September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Sofia Vergara claims people often think her son is her brother.

The Columbian-born actress gave birth to Manolo when she was 20. Sofia has attracted a host of fans with her stunning good looks and many admirers are surprised to discover she has an adult child.

The 39-year-old star is thrilled with the attention, but admits Manolo isn't always as impressed.

"We're very close," she said about her relationship with her son. "People mistake him for my brother. I love it! Him not so much."

Sofia plays Gloria Delgado-Prichett in popular US TV show Modern Family.

She admits she can be overly dramatic during some scenes, but loves the role and can't imagine finding a better job.

"Of course I exaggerate her slightly, but I try to make her as real a Latin woman as possible," she added to the UK edition of Glamour magazine. "When they say that actresses have just one role in their life, I think, this is it." (C) Cover Media
