Stephen Moyer confused by sex life

22nd July 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Stephen Moyer gets his onscreen and personal sex life "mixed up" sometimes.

Stephen plays Bill Compton on the international vampire television sensation True Blood. His wife, Anna Paquin, portrays Sookie Stackhouse, Bill's fated lover on the show. In response to a statement made by host Jimmy Kimmel on late night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Stephen confessed he sometimes unwittingly merges his sex life with his character Bill's.

"[There is] a lot of sex [on the show]," said Stephen, "Just like home. Yeah, you could really get mixed up, I guess."

When making love to his wife, Stephen sometimes feels like there is something missing. He expects the entire film crew to surround them.

"I'm used to having this boom in my face, this long anyway," laughed Stephen.

With all the vivid sexuality on the show, Stephen is often shocked by the type of fans he meets. There seems to be no age limit to his following.

"People come up to me and ask me, Can my kid take a picture with you?', and they wheel out a six-year-old and I'm like, She won't know [about the show],' and [the kid's] like, You're Bill Compton!' and I'm like, Do you really watch the show?' and they say, Well I fast forward through the bad parts!' chuckled Stephen.

The fourth season of True Blood premiered this summer. (C) Cover Media
