Steve Carell 'helps with pizzeria rush'

24th June 2012

Steve Carell strapped on an apron and helped serve at an under-staffed pizzeria recently.

The actor stopped off at the Hollywood eatery to pick up some dinner and was horrified to see the manager rushing around and looking stressed.

When he discovered the boss had been left short after a worker failed to turn up to his shift, Steve immediately stepped in.

"The star jumped behind the counter, donned an apron and began answering the phone, taking orders from hungry patrons," reports National Enquirer.

The 49-year-old actor stayed to help for 45 minutes, after which he was convinced the mad rush was over. The astounded restaurant owner couldn't believe what had happened and wouldn't stop praising Steve. He even presented the star with a free pizza before he left.

"Take the pizza," he apparently said. "It costs me less than having to pay you!"

Tags: Steve Carell,