Steve Carell: Anger is maddening

3rd August 2012

Steve Carell managed to keep his cool when he got "knocked out with a puck".

The 49-year-old actor-and-comedian isn't always in the mood to play games.

Steve recalls the worst moment of his life and why he chose not lash out in an angry fury.

"I got knocked out with a puck, playing hockey. I got a puck right between the eyes when I was 12," he told The Hollywood Reporter.

"I don't like to get angry. It doesn't make me feel good. It is very human, but it's also a loss of control, and I like to have that kind of control."

Steve is a very tolerant human being and tries his best to honour and respect other people.

"It's not like I want to put sunshine and lollipops into the world. But I do believe there's been a turn toward an uber-cynical point of view, and it's borderline mean," he explained.

"I don't want to take up any more space than I'm given; I don't feel I'm entitled to any more than anyone else. If I'd had a great level of success early on, who knows how I would have responded. I might have been a complete jerk." 

Tags: Steve Carell,