Taylor Armstrong is a total mess'

14th January 2012

Taylor Armstrong's world is reportedly "crashing down".

The reality star was seen stumbling out of a West Hollywood restaurant Thursday night. Taylor was sobbing in the arms of her friend and seemed inebriated.

A gripping episode of the new season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills which shows Taylor speaking openly about the physical abuse she endured from late husband Russell Armstrong airs next week.

Taylor is reportedly experiencing a complete breakdown in the run-up to the broadcast.

"She's a total mess," a friend of Taylor's told RadarOnline. "Her world was built on a fantasy house of cards that's crashing down."

Taylor's friend believes that the star is buckling from pressure.

"Taylor's whole [strong] persona is false and with Russell's death friends say that she's afraid the jig is up and people are aware of what a phony she is," the source said.

Taylor is drinking heavily at the moment and many are fearful for her well-being.

"Every time I've been around her lately she drinks excessively," the source revealed. "We're all worried about how badly she seems to be doing."

Russell was found dead in his Los Angeles home on August 15 2011 after he had hanged himself. He was 47-years-old at the time.

Before Russell's passing Taylor had filed for divorce from him in July.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills will air in America on Monday January 16.

Taylor's memoir Hiding from Reality: My Story of Love, Loss and Finding the Courage Within will be released next month.
