Taylor Swift Celebrates 21st Birthday Sans Beau

14th December 2010

December 14, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Country singer Taylor Swift turned 21 years old a few weeks back but she does not feel old at all. In a statement made for a radio interview that the American singer gave on her birthday, Taylor Swift said that age did not matter to her at all. What is more important for her in life is the fact that she remain positive about her approach towards life and be happy about the things that take place in her everyday life. Stressing on the happiness factor in her life, Taylor Swift says that it is essential to keep an open mind and heart to be able to enjoy the various phases of life.

The interview with the Nashville radio station being over, it was time for celebrations. And her fans would have expected that Taylor Swift will spend her special day with newfound love Jake Gyllenhaal. Well, her fans were wrong! Taylor Swift rather likes spending her special days with her special girlfriends. According to reports, the singer was spotted in the company of Julianne Hough on her 21st birthday.

And do you have any guesses on what the duo did to celebrate the special day? Well, Taylor Swift and Julianne Hough drank to the health of the former on the 13th of December. And like we know how much fond of coffee Taylor Swift is, (after she was spotted in several coffee shops with Jake Gyllenhaal on days preceding her birthday) she chose the brew even for her birthday celebrations! We have no news as to where Jake Gyllenhaal was on the 13th.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Jake Gyllenhaal,