Ted Danson gets CSI compost bin

29th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ted Danson has arranged for a compost bin to be built on the set of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

Earlier this year, it was announced the acting icon was joining the long-running TV show. He's said to be enjoying the challenge, although has arranged for a few changes to be made on set.

Ted is a renowned environmentalist and is encouraging his co-stars to be more green. He's already organised for a compost bin to be erected, so any leftover food can be turned into fertiliser.

"While everyone respects Ted's love for the environment, some are saying he needs to chill out a bit," a source admitted.

The star was said to be worried by how the set was run before he arrived. He fears there was too much waste, and even talked to bosses about the air conditioning.

"When Ted first arrived on set, he was appalled that all the plastic bottled were thrown into the garbage instead of being recycled," the source explained to National Enquirer. "He's had low-energy light bulbs installed everywhere, including the dressing rooms. He actually chided producers about thermostats being set too low." (C) Cover Media
