Tina Fey makes breastfeeding joke

11th January 2012

Tina Fey has joked she had "breastfeeding classes in a closet" when she gave birth to her daughter.

The comedy star welcomed Penelope into the world in August. She gave birth at New York City's Lenox Hill Hospital, which is where Beyonc Knowles had her daughter Blue Ivy on Saturday.

There were rumours Beyonc and her husband Jay-Z hired a whole floor of the medical centre and enlisted bodyguards to ensure everything went smoothly. Tina has joked her experience was totally different.

"My celebrity treatment at Lenox Hill involved taking a group breastfeeding class in a closet," she deadpanned on The Today Show.

"It's clearly supposed to be a storage closet with a bunch of other mothers, and a nurse grabs one of your breasts and another lady's and is shoving them in a baby's mouth."

The 41-year-old was quick to clarify she wasn't being serious though. She had nothing but praise for the staff who helped her labour go so smoothly.

"The nurses at Lenox Hill are fantastic. They are the best. It's a New York City hospital room! There's like an ATM machine in the corner. It's not fancy," she explained.

Tina also appear on Jimmy Fallon's show this week, when she discussed her other daughter Alice, six. Alice is becoming inquisitive about things she sees on television, which was difficult when she watched an episode of Tina's show 30 Rock.

One of the characters discussed an erection', prompting Alice to quiz her mom about the word.

"What's an erection?" Tina explained she said. "I replied, An erection is a building!' I wanted to be so mad at the show... but it was my show!"

Tags: Penelope Cruz, Beyonce Knowles, Tina Fey,