Twilight series cover model on an attention-seeking spree

5th October 2010

October 5, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): The iconic and extremely recognizable cover of the Twilight books features a womans hands holding an apple. Now, that particular hand model wishes to let the world know about her own existence.

The woman is none other than Kimbra Hickey, hailing from Greenwich Village. She, apart from being a model is also a massage therapist. She fails to understand, why shes not as famous as she should be.

She recognizes and enthusiastically acclaims about her hands, each time she finds people reading it in a subway or some other place.

Hickey, even at times, hangs out near the cash register of Barnes & Noble which is close to her apartment so as to spread the word. She has also gone to the extent of carrying a gala apple in her purse so that she can recreate the pose when required. Of late, she has been visiting Twilight fan conventions, to sell apple-scented hand lotion. In other words, it seems that she is doing everything possible to publicize herself.

Now shes angling for a role in the upcoming Twilight movie. She doesnt mind, if theres just one shot of her hands in the movie. She wants publicity and has actually been accosting strangers at the Barnes & Noble. Now, pray tell me which celebrity would do that?

-- Sampurn Wire

