Why is Vishal Kotain thrilled?

13th September 2010

September 13, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): It seems that Vishal Kotain is on cloud nine since he was compared to superstar Akshay Kumar in a show on a news channel recently. Ever since the compliment came his way Vishal kotain has been on a big high and he just cannot stop talking about it.

When asked about it, Vishal said that he believes that the similarity between the two hunks is not limited to their looks alone. In fact Vishal has skills similar to the legendary action superstar. Vishal says, "Just like Akshay, I have a black-belt in Karate. He is the only superstar in our country, who does action as well as comedy and excels at both just like me."

Vishal further added, "We have the same height and build and people say that we look very similar." Vishal claims to have met Akshay in a film studio a few years back. Recounting that event, Vishal said, "When we came face to face even Akshay realized that we looked similar." When asked if he felt uncomfortable being compared to Akshay, Vishal replied, "As long as Akshay is a superstar, I really don't mind being compared to him."

We hope that this similarity to the hottest Bollywood hunk gets Vishal some plump offers.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Akshay Kumar,