Will Ferrell curses around kids

8th August 2012

Will Ferrell curses in front of his children.

The actor plays a controversial politician in his latest comedy movie The Campaign. In the film Will's character uses some foul language. He admits swearing at home but claims his kids often out-do him with their profanities.

"Do I swear in front of them? Occasionally" Will explained to Australian radio show hosts Kyle and Jackie O. "Although they are already beating me to the punch. They are eight, five and two years old!"

The funny man enjoys making light of politics. He likens the American government and their petty squabbles aired in public to being a spectator at a wrestling match. Will says congressmen make it is easy for him to make jokes about them because they are often so politically incorrect.

"US politics it's like professional wrestling now. Australian politics isn't boring it's just there's nothing to comment on," Will added. "We had Arnold as the great governor of our state then he had sex with a very ugly nanny. I don't mean to beat up on her, but I mean come on! Someone needs to sit him down and say if you are going to cheat then aim your sights a little bit higher." 

Tags: Will Ferrell, The Campaign,