NEWS Lets invent battery planes

26th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - wants someone to invent a plane thats powered by batteries.

The Black Eyed Peas star frequently jets around the world, and worries about the effect hes having on the environment. He owns a car which is battery powered, and doesnt understand why the idea hasnt taken off with other modes of transport.

I do a lot of air miles, which is not good obviously, but then I make myself feel better by going for a spin in my Telsa sports car. It looks like a sports car and it goes like a sports car, but the whole thing is powered by lithium batteries, he explained. Why cant your man Richard Branson do it with planes? Come on, Branson, you can do it. Leave those hot air balloons be. has very set ideas, including about his name. His birth name is William James Adams, but he hates it when anyone refers to him by that. The star insists it isnt a true representation of who he is, explaining he gets annoyed when people dont respect that.

Not even my family call me William. And only government officials or border guards ever give it to me with the full Mr. William Adams. But thats not me. It might say that on the paperwork but that aint me. Im If anyone says different, then I can get quite hostile, he told Q magazine. Ive tried explaining at immigration before now, I am not the piece of paper you have before you. I am someone else. They dont get it. (C) Cover Media
