Amy Smart held green' wedding

17th November 2011

Amy Smart had a "green", eco-friendly wedding.

The 35-year-old actress and model Carter Oosterhouse wed in September. The couple were very earth conscious with their wedding preparations.

Amy and Carter ensured that their carbon footprint was minimal.

"Our wedding was very green," Carter told E! Online. "We had 220 people there and only one bag of trash, not even a full bag. We recycled everything, we composted everything."

The newlyweds extend their passion for living an eco-friendly existence to all aspects of their lives. Once Amy and Carter find a suitable abode to occupy together the couple wants their new home to be powered by sunlight.

"For my house, I had the solar paneling company come and try and put [solar panels] on my roof," Amy recalled. "From the mountains and the location, [the company] said I wouldn't be able to benefit from it and it would be so expensive because I get so much shade at some points. So yeah, if we can, we will definitely try to put solar on."
