Anna Paquin: People breed fear

25th September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Anna Paquin thinks most people develop phobias because of others' fears.

The actress admits there are certain things which terrify her, but she tries not to let that show. She firmly believes that seeing other people feeling scared has a lasting impact.

"There are things I'm scared of, you know. I just hide them really well. Fear is imposed on you by someone else a lot of the time. If you're not told that something is challenging then it's easier to do," she said.

The star tries hard not to let other people impact any area of her life.

She won an Oscar aged 11 for her role in The Piano but refused to let that go to her head. Many people spent time praising her, but Anna knew listening to the comments would have a negative effect.

"I'm pretty good at taking care of myself and not buying into the hype," she told a British magazine. "People will tell you what they think you want to hear, a lot of, You're so amazing,' and, You can have anything you want.' If you buy into that too much you're in for a really rude shock." (C) Cover Media
