Ashley Jensen: I partied in brothel

10th February 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ashley Jensen once accidentally partied in a brothel because she thought it looked like a fun place.

The actress prides herself on being adventurous, and loves exploring new countries on holiday. Although her daring streak has resulted in some brilliant breaks, its also got her into difficult situations more than once.

Ashley cites a break in Cuba as one of her worst experiences, as her lust for thrill seeking eventually landed her in a police car. I went to Cuba once and ended up in a brothel. I didn't know it was a brothel, I just thought it was a fun place. I was with an ex-boyfriend and another couple, and we'd gone to a resort and said, This is a bit resorty, let's see the real Cuba, she explained.

We found this place; thought, This looks fun; they're playing lots of Cuban music. Let's get up and dance, and then my boyfriend got propositioned by what, in retrospect, was a hooker and then my bag got stolen with my camera in it and then we ended up in a police station. But I look back on it now and think it was quite good fun.

Ashley is now married to Terence Beesley and they have 15-month-old son Francis together. She may now be settled but that doesnt mean Ashley is above having strange experiences on holiday, as the familys last trip proved.

They went to Italy last year, but missed the festival theyd travelled there for as their car broke down. Ashley and her spouse were then struck down by food poisoning, although luckily Francis was alright because the wee man wasn't eating seafood antipasti from the supermarket.

The 41-year-old also remembers her arrival in Los Angeles for all the wrong reasons. Although it ended up being good because she landed a role in US series Ugly Betty while there, she arrived totally unprepared.

I don't know what I was thinking. It was January but I packed a whole bag of bikinis and sarongs, she laughed to British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. I didn't have to do any screen tests in a bikini and I wasn't living by the beach and I certainly didn't have a pool. Maybe subconsciously I just thought, LA = bikini, but I don't wear bikinis at the best of times. (C) Cover Media
