Ashton Kutcher saved TAAHM

13th December 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Chuck Lorre claims Ashton Kutcher "saved the day" by joining the hit TV show Two and a Half Men.

The creator of the series was extremely worried about finding a replacement for Charlie Sheen, who was sacked from the show earlier this year after he made a number of rude statements about Chuck in public.

Ashton recently began playing internet millionaire Walden Schmidt on the programme and Chuck couldn't be more pleased with the new cast member.

"If Ashton hadn't come along the show would be over," Chuck told Entertainment Tonight. "He really did save the day. It really was mighty mouse to the rescue time."

However, the producer wasn't always so convinced that Ashton would be right for the series.

Chuck initially had misgiving about the age difference between 33-year-old Ashton and 46-year-old Jon Cryer, who plays the other lead character, Alan.

He was concerned the pair wouldn't have a believable dynamic on screen.

"My main concern was that the character would be a peer to Jon," he revealed.

It was CBS President Les Moonves who first suggested Ashton should join the show.

Chuck remembers trying to open up his mind to accept the unusual move.

"There was a moment when Mr. Moonves called me at home and said you need to meet with Ashton," he recalled. " I've known him for a long time and I could tell by the tone of his voice that I needed to meet with Ashton and this was not something I should dig my heels in over or cling to any old ideas about how old the character should be."

Charlie has also openly praised Ashton's performance.

Chuck says that there are no bad feelings between him and the 46-year-old.

"I haven't spoken to Charlie since last January There's been a characterisation of a feud between the two of us. I never felt like I was in a feud. I felt like he was my friend," he explained. "I really love the guy. I loved working with him I more often than not had a great time and I enjoyed the experience and so I had a lot of affection for the guy. It was devastating how it ended, devastating. So I hope he's well... Moving forward."

Charlie's life had been tumultuous before he left the show, characterised by trips to hospital and spells in rehab. He is now healthy and moving on with his life. (C) Cover Media

Tags: Ashton Kutcher,