Brand and Halliwell's pets at war

31st August 2012

Russell Brand's cat "eyeballed" Geri Halliwell's dogs when they were introduced this week.

The British comedian and former Spice Girls star are rumoured to be dating after they met at the London 2012 Olympic Games closing ceremony.

Both are animal lovers, with Russell having a cat called Morrissey and Geri owning two dogs named Daddy and William. As their pets are so important to them, the fledgling couple decided they should meet. Things didn't go to plan.

"It was important to Geri that her dogs met Russell because any new man in her life first has to impress them," a source told British newspaper The Mirror.

"Sadly, while they took to Russ, Morrissey had other ideas. He eyeballed the hairy beasts the minute they trespassed into his territory, taking an instant dislike to them, especially Daddy."

The feline was so unhappy he began hissing and showing his claws, with Russell and Geri eventually deciding the animals needed to be split up.

This is the latest in a string of tough times for Daddy, 12. When Geri bought pooch William who is now two Daddy struggled to adapt and became so stressed his fur fell out.

Tags: Russell Brand,