Chastain and Harrelson sexiest vegetarians

28th June 2012

Jessica Chastain and Woody Harrelson have officially been named PETA's Sexiest Vegetarians of 2012.

The Hollywood stars are both committed to living a meat-free lifestyle.

E! Online reports that non-profit animal rights organisation People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is elated to honour Jessica and Woody for their choice to be meatless.

Jessica stopped eating animals 15 years ago.

She spoke previously about how she managed to gain nearly 15lbs for her Oscar-nominated role in 2011's The Help on a strict vegan diet.

"I had to be soft and curvy, so I ate a lot of soy," she told the website before the film's release last summer. "Soy helps you become curvy because it has estrogen in it. So what I would doand this is really grossis buy cartons of soy ice scream, microwave it and drink it. It was disgusting, [but] wait till you see my boobs in the movie."

Previous PETA Sexiest Vegetarians of the year include Russell Brand, Olivia Wilde, Kristen Wiig and Carrie Underwood.

Tags: Jessica Chastain, Woody Harrelson,