Chelsea Handler And Jennifer Aniston: A Lethal Combo

7th December 2010


December 7, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):Chelsea Handler and Jennifer Aniston seem to have joined hands when it comes to bad mouthing Angelina Jolie. This time, the combination is quite potent as Chelsea has joined the camp against Ange.

At a comedy show in Newark, NJ that was telecast over the weekend, Handler found an accomplice in Jennifer to vent their bitterness on Ange. Choicest of expletives and abuse were hurled at her during the show. Ange has earned the title of a home wrecker from the girls. Jennifer Aniston had a difficult time in life when Brad fell into the charms of Ange. Brad decided to split with Jennifer and move in with Angelina. The decision of Brad came as a rude shock to Jennifer and she was devastated. Ange was always labeled as a home wrecker by a section of a media who felt that Ange played a major role in the break up.

Chelsea did not lose an opportunity to demean Ange. Chelsea made a dig at Anges humanitarian work related to children when she commented that Angelina may work for the cause of children, but she reallydoesn'thave any faith in her.

Angelina had earlier commented that she does not have any female friends. Now we get to see the real picture as why she does not have friends.

Meanwhile, reports were doing the rounds that Chelsea and Jennifer were chilling out together during the Thanksgiving weekend at Los Cabos, Mexico.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie,