Jennifer Lawrence: Hoult is hot

4th October 2012

Jennifer Lawrence says her boyfriend Nicholas Hoult has "absolutely no idea" how good-looking he is.

The Hunger Games star revealed that her boyfriend, English actor Nicholas, has an unusually laidback attitude when it comes to his appearance. Jennifer and Nicholas have been dating since 2011 after starring in X-Men: First Class. The 22-year-old gushed about their relationship and boasted that many people are envious of her handsome beau.

"He has absolutely no idea how good-looking he is," Jennifer revealed to British Vogue. "I think a lot of women and men hate me because of that."

Jennifer clams Nicholas always looks great no matter what he wears. The 22-year-old model-and-actor is refreshingly modest when it comes to his appearance.

"Oh, he really doesn't care," Jennifer explained. "Like he'll sometimes wear these white tennis shoes with jeans, then tuck his pants into his socks."

Tags: Jennifer Lawrence,