Christina Aguilera avoids prosecution

1st March 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Christina Aguilera was jailed earlier today for her own safety but will not face prosecution, police have revealed.

The 30-year-old singer was arrested in West Hollywood for public intoxication at 2.45am this morning, while her boyfriend Matthew Rutler was arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI).

Christina who according to sources was severely drunk - was a passenger in a car being driven by Matthew when police stopped them for driving erratically.

The pair were taken to West Hollywood sheriff's station, where Christina was booked, fingerprinted and had a mug shot taken. She was then detained in a cell until she had sobered up. The star is believed to have been released from custody at around 7.30am and a friend drove her home, while Matthew has also now left jail.

Los Angeles County Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore has revealed Christina will not be prosecuted for the incident.

"We have no desire to prosecute, none whatsoever. It just for a public safety issue," Whitmore said during a press conference. "When she was able to navigate and to think on her own and make her own way, she was released.

"She was not capable of taking care of herself. She was incapacitated. She was cooperative. She was not belligerent in any way whatsoever. She was just intoxicated."

Under American law a person can be held in custody if they are deemed unable to take care of themselves.

"As she got better, she just said, 'I would like to leave,'" Whitmore added.

The star has had a tumultuous few months, following the end of her five-year-marriage to music executive Jordan Bratman. The pair have not publically discussed why their relationship failed, although Christina has filed for divorce.

The pair have three-year-old son Max together, and have vowed to stay friends for his sake. (C) Cover Media
