Cline Dion opens up about twins

8th December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Cline Dion has spoken out about her newborn twin boys, revealing they are already developing different personalities.

The 42-year-old singer gave birth to Eddy and Nelson via caesarean section in a Florida hospital in October. The babies were a month premature and as a result were required to stay in an incubator as a precautionary measure, but are growing stronger every day. Even though the babies are just six weeks old, Cline insists they are both individuals with contrasting temperaments.

"They are very different," she explained in an interview People magazine. "Eddy is my smallest, very delicate and needs to be cuddled a lot. And Nelson is darker and very loud, in a good way. He's my bear, my big boy!"

Cline who also has a nine-year-old son Ren-Charles with her husband Ren Anglil expressed her delight at conceiving the twins following several rounds of in vitro fertilisation. She says she feels beyond thrilled to have expanded her family after suffering a miscarriage last year.

"The love and what I feel inside, what we have accomplished I don't know how to put it into words," Cline added. "It's bigger than life itself."

The 42-year-old singer has also spoken about how tiring it has been looking after the newborn twins. She has revealed she is constantly feeding and changing the boys and barely has a moment to rest in between.

"I don't know how women do it," she said in an interview with the Canadian edition of Hello! magazine. "Every day Ren asks, 'Did you sleep well?' I'm like, 'You must be kidding! There is no sleep!'

"I nurse both babies at the same time I'm in my pyjamas until lunchtime and there's no time to shower!" (C) Cover Media
