Courtney Love discusses heroin drama'

26th May 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Courtney Love has claimed her "heroin drama" began at Charlie Sheen's house.

The American rocker has had a high-profile battle with drugs, having been addicted to both crack cocaine and heroin. She's spent time in rehab and is now clean, although she knows many don't believe her.

Courtney has been talking about her addition to website In the second part of her interview she recounts taking class A substances at Charlie's home many years ago.

"One night, my boyfriend at the time, who was working for Ben Stiller, took me to this star-studded party at Charlie Sheen's house in Malibu. Tom Cruise was there, and Madonna, and my friend Jennifer Finch, who used to be the lead singer of L7," she explained. "At some point Jennifer - who has been very clean for 16 years now - convinced me to shoot up. Come on, everyone's doing it.' So that's when my whole heroin drama began."

Courtney finally got clean in 1996, although she admits taking heroin one more time. She injected the narcotic in 2005, revealing there was a reason behind her decision to do so.

"I promised I would never shoot heroin again, and I haven't, except for one incident in July 05, where I shot myself up on purpose to kill myself," she said.

The 46-year-old is armament there is a link between taking drugs and creativity. She insists most of the best musicians in recent years have been on substances, adding fame adds to the problem.

Courtney worries young people have no idea how hard it is to live life in the limelight, so jump into stardom and then aren't able to deal with the consequences. At the moment she's particularly fearful for Lady Gaga.

"She may be doing fine at the moment, but I'm worried about her future," she said. "She's very young, and she's very talented, but she doesn't seem to have any female friends. Or any straight guy friends for that matter. Instead, she surrounds herself with this coterie of gay stylists and advisors who've turned her into this weird, sexless Barbie doll. I was raised by gay guys myself, and I turned out all right in the end. But you know, you can only pull off this meat-dress act for so long. If she doesn't watch out she'll turn into a lonely drag queen. Straight guys just aren't in to that kind of thing." (C) Cover Media
