Cyndi Lauper: People react violently to my outfits

4th October 2010

(Cover) - EN Star Style - Cyndi Laupers dress sense has offended people so much theyve thrown rocks at her.

The American singer is well-known for her eclectic taste in fashion. In the 1980s she sported brightly-coloured hair, often in a range of hues such as red, orange and blonde. She would wear short dresses, lashings of make-up and pile on as many accessories as possible.

Cyndi is now 57, but still loves getting dressed up. She knows she shocked with her outfits when she was young, but says that was part of the fun. Listen, Ive been thrown out a lot of places OK, she laughed. People used to throw rocks at me because of the way that I dressed. Oh yeah. And then everybody dressed like me, so it was like, OK, what can you learn from this picture?

Despite suffering abuse for her fashion choices, Cyndi has never contemplated toning down her look. She sees clothing as the perfect way to express herself, and says different outfits suit her in different moods. She likes to be inspired by her surroundings too, such as trying to dress like an English woman during a trip to the UK.

You cant worry about other people, if you worry about everybody else all the time you forget to think for yourself. I think you gotta dress in a way that makes you inspired, she told the BBC. I got inspired in the UK thinking of English breakfast and the tea so I thought how British women would dress. So this is my impersonation of you! (C) Cover Media
