David Beckham: I couldnt handle sex talk with son

28th October 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - David Beckham had to leave the room when he talked to one of his sons about sex.

The world famous soccer player has three children with his wife Victoria Brooklyn, 11, eight-year-old Romeo and Cruz, five. The sportsman loves spending time with his family, but admits he was very uncomfortable when it came to having an intimate discussion with his eldest child.

David found it so hard he looked for an escape route as soon as possible and left the serious stuff to Victoria.

It was more Victoria than me, David told American radio host Ryan Seacrest. I had to walk out of the room.

The 35-year-old Los Angeles Galaxy midfielder revealed he was put off by Brooklyns own apparent jokey attitude to the chat.

Brooklyns looking at me at the corner of his eye, kind of laughing. It was a serious talk and I had to get out, he explained.

David also revealed his kids are looking forward to Halloween. They each have outfits planned, with Beckham looking to his father for inspiration ahead of the spooky holiday.

Brooklyn is gonna be me. He's literally gonna wear an L.A. Galaxy shirt and shorts. He's ready for that now. He's quite comfortable in soccer gear! David laughed. Romeo will be Justin Bieber or a breakdancer and Cruz is planning to be Elvis Presley. (C) Cover Media
