Debbie Harry: Ive made thousands of mistakes

21st March 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Debbie Harry says she has made thousands of mistakes throughout her life.

The singer made her name as the frontwoman in group Blonde in the 70s achieving success with hits such as The Tide Is High and Heart of Glass. The 65-year-old still enjoys performing, with her latest album, Panic of Girls, due for release on May 30th.

Her longevity has ensured she has many stories to tell of her life in the music industry, with the star confirming she has made many errors over the course of her life.

Thousands, thousands, and thousands! she exclaimed to British newspaper The Sunday Times, when asked if she has ever made a mistake, before adding, In everything. People used to ask me if I had regrets and Id say, Oh no, no, I dont have regrets. But I do. I look at situations and think, God, I wish Id handled that differently! But its not like I sit there going boo hoo. And I do have wonderful friends.

One such mistake involved her dabbling with drugs in the 80s. Although the singer has been drug free for a number of years since, she admits she did use cocaine during her darker days. Debbie says she now tries to refrain from any sort of stimulant, including alcohol, as it has an adverse affect on her.

I think there was a short period when I did some coke, but Ive never got seriously involved since then. No. I dont have the head for alcohol. I dont have the capacity. So, if I drink, its a short evening very short and very cheap! she added. (C) Cover Media
