Demi Moore emergency call released

27th January 2012

Demi Moore "smoked something" before she went into convulsions, a female caller told authorities.

The actress' 911 emergency phone call tape was released today.

TMZ reports that two female callers took turns narrating what was taking place before authorities transported Demi Moore to the hospital from her home on Monday night.

"[Demi] smoked something. It's not marijuana, but it's similar to it. It's similar to incense," the first female caller told the emergency operator. "She seems to be having convulsions of some sort. She's semi-conscious, barely. She's convulsing."

A second woman who attended to Demi was concerned about her temperature.

"She's shaking, convulsing, burning up," the woman said as she grabbed the phone. "I'm taking cold water and putting it on her back because she's burning up."

The woman was trying to get semiconscious Demi to respond.

"Demi, can you hear me? Yes, she's squeezing my hand. She can't speak. She's convulsing so we're holding her down," she detailed.

Paramedics arrived at Demi's house 10 minutes after the call was placed.

The 49-year-old actress was then rushed to a local hospital.

She was treated for exhaustion, and there were rumours she was also getting help for substance abuse and anorexia.

Demi was released from hospital yesterday.

Tags: Demi Moore,