Demi Moore glowing'

21st January 2012

Demi Moore is starting to get her "old glow back".

The actress is in the process of divorcing Ashton Kutcher following allegations he was unfaithful. The stress has taken its toll and she's been spotted looking frail.

However, the star now seems to be moving on and has been working out with a trainer called Blake Corl-Baietti.

"He's been a real distraction from this whole mess with Ashton, and Demi's finally looking healthier and getting her old glow back," a source told Look magazine.

The pair have been working on Demi's nutrition and fitness and she's said to be feeling better than she has for a long while.

There are even rumours the pair might be more than just friends. Neither has commented on them but it's thought Demi's three daughters with her ex-husband Bruce Willis would love her to move on.

"He's already a hit with Demi's daughters," the insider said. "They're so happy to see their mum smiling again. Each day it feels like she is getting back to her old self and that's all they want."

Tags: Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher,