Drew Barrymore enjoys graveyard movie watching

5th March 2012

Drew Barrymore and her friends love watching movies in a graveyard.

The actress has explained how she winds down when she isn't working. She enjoys spending time with her pals, but they eschew bars and restaurants for something a little more spooky.

"I love going to Hollywood Forever Cemetery, where they screen movies outside, with a bunch of friends and a bottle of wine," she laughed to the April edition of UK magazine InStyle.

Drew is also relaxed when it comes to getting around. Although she's been in Hollywood for years and could take limousines whenever she wanted, she prefers to use public trains.

"[The Subway] is my favourite mode of transportation," she revealed.

"Whenever I'm in New York, I smoosh in like one of the sardines. I keep my head down, put my headphones on and read my magazine The Week."

Another of Drew's great loves is food. In particular she enjoys Chinese meals, although she knows she probably shouldn't indulge as much as she does.

"I always eat it on Sunday nights. I know I'll be puffy on Monday morning, but I love that tradition," she said.

Tags: Drew Barrymore,