Dubbed Films cloaked entry

19th July 2011
The fight against the entry of dubbed films has a long and checkered history. Time and again, some producers have tried to release films of other languages dubbed into Kannada, masquerading as original Kannada films. Most of the time, they have been foiled in their attempts – the latest instance being 'Koffee Shop'. However, to beat the rules, the producers have found out a way. Shoot some portion in Kannada and then complete the film in the language of their choice. Then get dubbing artistes to voice over.

The recently released disaster 'Namitha I Love You' is a classic example. Says Tennis Krishna, who was part of the film, "I had thought the film was being made in two languages – Kannada and Telugu and was glad of the exposure. Soon, I found out that I was mistaken. We went to shoot in Hyderabad and there I found that all the unit members and most of the artists were speaking in Tamil! I was supposed to shoot a scene with Namitha but she did not turn up at all. We ended up shooting the scene anyways. I was asked to say my dialogues in Tamil. As I know Tamil well, I didn't have any problem, thinking that the film was a trilingual! All the scenes were okayed in a single take."

"I had spoken in Kannada for the scenes shot in Bangalore. But when I went for dubbing I was surprised to find that the scene where I spoke in Tamil was included in the film. I told them that the lip movement and voice over will not match, but neither the director nor his associate was there; only the assistant director was around who insisted I continue dubbing."

After the release I was disappointed to find the end result," Krishna concludes sadly. It may be remembered here that director M Jayasimha Reddy, a Telugu guy himself, had argued vehemently that 'Namitha I Love You' was an out and out Kannada film. One can't help but wonder at the carelessness of the Information department who issued the no objection certificate, even as Krishna's words reveal the conspiracy of profit-minded producers.