Emma Watson: I'll always be known for Potter

27th September 2012

Emma Watson doesn't want to get "frustrated" that people love her for bringing Hermione Granger to the big screen.

The British actress is famed for playing the studious witch in the hugely successful Harry Potter franchise. Emma has since starred in other films, but will always be known for her defining role in the fantasy films. The star isn't bothered by such a legacy.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to, to be honest," she told the BBC when asked if she thinks she'll ever shake her Hermione character. "Re-branding my image is going to be a fluid thing that happens, I can't force anyone to perceive me any differently. I just hope my performances will speak for themselves and the movie choices I take on will have their own weight.

"I'm not here to be frustrated about the fact that people still love Hermione. People are always going to love Hermione, they're always going to love those books. I just hope they'll be open-minded and generous enough to see a different side and let me reincarnate myself."

Emma is currently promoting new movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The 22-year-old star was initially overwhelmed by the subject matter.

"I mean it's another world, American high school is another planet to what I've done before. I really tried to do as much research as I could but then actually what I realised is that it doesn't have very much to do with that. It's a very human experience,"

Tags: Emma Watson,