Eve: Will Smith's my childhood crush

26th August 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Eve found Will Smith attractive because he was "nerdy".

A native of Philadelphia, the 32-year-old rapper-and-actress was a huge fan of Will during his The Fresh Prince of Bel Air television reign in the 1990s. Will was all the rage on the Philadelphia scene, with him and Jazzy Jeff making music and television history together. Eve admits that Will was her most prominent childhood crush.

"Probably [I liked] Will Smith [the most], especially 'cause I'm from Philly," Eve told OK! magazine this week at the Gotham Open A.I.R. Summer Concert series in New York City. "When I was younger, I think he was like cute and nerdy."

As an adult, her ardent passion for Will has dissipated. She is more interested in establishing a healthy relationship with her current beau. Although he's based in London and their affair is transatlantic, Eve and her partner are eager to make it work.

"It's hard, right? With the long distance thing? It's out of control. But we're at that point now where we have to figure it out. And we do," Eve said. "We meet up. He actually is from London, so sometimes I go there and then we meet up in different countries or cities and it kind of makes it fun, but after a while you get sick of it. You just wanna come home to your man or whatever. So we're figuring it out." (C) Cover Media
