George Clooney Stands For A Peaceful Referendum In Sudan

15th October 2010

October 15, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): George Clooney has been constantly trying to raise awareness on the Darfur conflict since 2006 and the man has been relentless in making the world take notice on the atrocities that has been going on in Sudan even after the civil war stopped in 2005. Now the country has a chance to move forward and be part of a peaceful referendum in January 9, 2011 but if present President of Sudan Omar al-Bashirs attitude is anything to go by the country might just once again be pushed into another massacre full of blood.

So after a recent trip from South of Sudan George Clooney was fast to make a meeting with the President of USA, Barack Obama to urge not only him but even the UN to take the steps to make a peaceful referendum possible in South of Sudan. The country has been carrying the carnage of genocides, two civil wars that spanned over four decades in total and political bloodbaths for a long time. This referendum has the scope of putting an end to the slavery and independence for the south of Sudan, but al-Bashir wants unity.

Clooney has pointed out that the European Union too should take a stand against Bashirs government since he has already violated the UN resolution and has been carrying out his expenditure in euros instead of Sudanese pound. It is quite possible that the present government of Sudan will work aggressively against the South if the vote goes towards the independence.

-- Sampurn Wire


Tags: George Clooney,