Guillermo del Toro: I still feel like a child

24th September 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Guillermo del Toro loves his job because its like camp for abnormal kids.

The film director has helmed a series of renowned movies, including Pan's Labyrinth and the Hellboy franchise. He also pens screenplays and has written a trilogy of vampire novels with Chuck Hogan.

Guillermo still has a hard time accepting he is paid to have so much fun, and cant believe how much he enjoys his work. Everything I do, I feel like I'm a very well-financed child. I just do everything I dreamt of doing as a kid, and I get to do it with the friends I like. Someone puts us in a room together, and we build a city that is crazy, and we get in costumes and play, and then you have dinner with those people, he said. It's like camp for abnormal kids. I'm deeply abnormal, so I am very happy.

The star is currently promoting The Fall, the second book in the series. It follows a group of people as they try to contain the parasitic threat to their city it causes people to be transformed into vampires and Guillermo says it was a joy to write.

He loved teaming up with Chuck especially, as it didnt feel like real work. He explained the pair split the sections of the books between them, although Guillermo is always careful about the ones he gets.

We get together for what Chuck terms a four-day breakfast. We talk and eat, and eat and talk. Eventually, we figure out everything we want about the book, we go away, we generate a 30-page outline, and then we call dibs: I want this section. I want that section. I think I get all the fun sections, he laughed to MTV. I write them and send them to him, and when I get his sections, I realise he got a lot of fun sections, and I get envious and rewrite them. He rewrites my stuff, and we go from there. It becomes a single voice. (C) Cover Media
