How Dilip Rogers became a raucous villager?

14th June 2011
If you take a glimpse at the posters of 'Udumban', it will keep you guessing, unless you're his close relative. Yup! It's Dilip Roger, India's No.1 Bike Racer, who is now making his foray into the film industry. Well, there's no doubt that the young chap looks pretty handsome but the way he has toned his body for the sake of his role in 'Udumban', leaves us speechless! The actor plays the role of an assassin, who is payed big sum to bump off some of the topmost personalities of society.

The actor has got himself tanned and has got a perfect look for the role. Singing Dilip's praises, director S Balan says that the youngster has surpassed their expectations.

The film's audio launch will be held shortly and the theatrical release is scheduled for somewhere between July and August.